As the market for talent tightens, you may hear from so many recruiters that you want to send them all to eternal voice mail. If you consider executive search a necessary evil, here's good news: you can get recruited without getting pummeled. You just need to separate the recruiters who focus on companies at the expense of candidates from the ones who serve both companies and candidates.
JBK Associates International is a proud sponsor of BioNJ's 23rd Annual Dinner Meeting and Innovation Celebration taking place February 4 at the Hilton East Brunswick.
With the stellar program planned, including a Keynote by the Honorable Patrick Kennedy, the presentation of the ninth annual Dr. Sol J. Barer Award for Vision, Innovation and Leadership to Clive Meanwell, M.D., Ph.D., Founder and CEO of The Medicines Company and the Innovator Awards, new registrations are coming in every day!
Join us as we celebrate New Jersey's robust life sciences industry.
Increasingly, specialist boutiques are coming into the viewfinderof major companies who are looking at options outside of the large,generalist players to recruit top talent. No firm epitomizes this trendmore than Englewood Cliffs, NJ-based JBK Associates, whichserves industry disciplines including healthcare, consumer/ retail& luxury, financial services, not-for-profit and life sciences. In thefollowing interview firm founder and CEO, Julie Kampf, discusses thefirm's key position in the marketplace.- Imagine interviewing for your dream job and realizing with five minutes to go that you haven't shared what the hiring manager most needs to know. This happens more often than you might think when employers use a popular behavioral interview technique called the STAR method, which asks candidates to describe a specific situation or task from their past as well as the actions they took and the results they achieved. Behavioral interviews work as well as the questions and context provided by the interviewer, so consider these four steps to increase your chances of success:
Englewood Cliffs, NJ/December 16, 2015 –Julie B. Kampf, CEO & Chief Possibilities Officer of the executive talent solutions firm JBK Associates International, has been named one of New York Business Journal's 2016 Women of Influence Award honorees. Kampf is among 79 New York metropolitan area business leaders recognized as women who innovate, succeed and pay it forward. She will be honored at an awards luncheon to be held on Jan. 20.